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Treatment - Family Based Care and Foster Care

Direct admission to Consecon and The Greater Toronto Area
The primary objective is the promotion of the healthy personality development of the child, and to help the child with problems that are personally or socially destructive. We offer professional parenting through experiences and conditions that promote normal maturation (care), prevent further injury to the child (safety), promote healthy personality development (treatment), and enhance life skills. The program is an extension of the continuum of care/treatment.

A distinctive component of the program is that trained Treatment Parents provide family life experiences together with treatment services for the child in a home environment. Staff Support and Case management are key components of the Family Based Care Program.

Maturational experiences inherent in family living are regarded to be essential with a goal to initiate and sustain a family of one's own include the following:

  • emotional relationships of the child with other members of the family, relatives and friends
  • socialization of the child in learning modes of behaviour and expectations of his or her cultural group
  • observation of family roles and adult patterns of behaviour that provide models for a home and a family
  • sharing of responsibility for housekeeping chores, purchases, and management of physical maintenance of a home
  • living in a home in a community, and participating in community activities prepares a child to go back home or for independence and integration into their community.

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